Resources for Parents


Resources for Parents

Welcome to Learn at Home! 

Thank you for being such a wonderful partner in your child’s education. Your child’s teacher will guide you through the transition to remote learning so that your child will quickly adapt, and thrive in this new learning environment. 

This page takes you to three important and related areas for parents: Information, Activities, and Technical Tools and Support.

  • Information on Remote Learning

    Learn how your child will continue to be able to meet with their teachers, collaborate with other students, and submit and receive graded assignments, including independent reading, writing, math, science, history and art activities.

  • Technical Tools and Support

    Use these quick links to information and important sites for student digital accounts.

  • Activities and Supports

    Get at-home activity packets and helpful links, resources and tips to support learning at home. 

  • Teach from Home

    One stop for teachers to get ready for remote learning.


School Calendar

School Food
